Friday, December 23, 2005
I did an interview with a freelance writer earlier this year and we talked about my book GG+OS. It was for and I thought that it would run in late November. Here it is late December and it's better late than never! It's a cool piece and the reader comments are real nice. Visit!
Monday, December 19, 2005
Hey kids! Let's draw!

Do you remember when Brent Anderson started on Astro City? When he inked himself, he had such energy and he could use a pen as well as a brush with skill. I did a few sketches with a brush today and I noticed that I did a few lines that reminded me of the astro city stuff. I wish I could work on that book. That would be cool.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Gone but not forgotten!
Today I got a Christmas card from Image Comics. I get my fair share of holiday mail, so no big deal. The thing is that I haven't had anything to do with the company since 1999 when I published Forever Amber with them. I'm sure that I'm on some ancient list and the people who signed the card have no idea who I am. The card reminded me that I'm still included in a cool community. Comic book creators. I think that's cool. I hope they remember me next year!
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Marie Javins
I have recently read a blog called 'No Hurry in Africa' by Marie Javins. I consider her a world traveler and she has made friends all over the world and walked roads that Magellan could not have imagined. I think that Marie is one of the bravest people I know because she has been through lorry crack-ups, riots and more shifty border guards than James Bond. After reading her latest blog of Dec. 06, I am thinking that maybe she has had some grave doubts about the direction of her life.
I would not want her to continue just to entertain me. I enjoy the blog it's true, but I would say this: Does traveling in this way make you happy? Would you give up a nomadic lifestyle to return to a nine to five? I have known Marie for a long time and I say that she would be miserable.
I would not want her to continue just to entertain me. I enjoy the blog it's true, but I would say this: Does traveling in this way make you happy? Would you give up a nomadic lifestyle to return to a nine to five? I have known Marie for a long time and I say that she would be miserable.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Hey kids! Let's draw!

I had a great time at the Mid-Ohio Con! I had a chance to walk around and take advantage of the cool deals. While searching the 50 cent box I found a beat up copy of Ms. Marvel #22. I had to get it! They had changed her costume to a tight black outfit with thigh boots and black arm length gloves! The best was the blond, Farrah Fawcett hair. I should point out that after her makeover, she started hanging out with the Avengers! I am a big fan of Carol Danvers aka Ms. Marvel, so I did some sketches.
Monday, November 28, 2005
Convention in Columbus
I have just returned from the Mid-Ohio Convention in Columbus, Ohio. I have never been there before and I have to admit, that it's the sweetest convention I have been to in a long time. By sweet, I mean that the fans were so excellent and everyone there including the volunteers had the time of the lives. Let me start at the beginning. It was in the Easton Hotel, close to a enormous shopping center. As I walked to the hotel restaurant Sat. Morning, I ran into Tom DeFalco. We worked on a comic for Moonstone Books and Moonstone would have a booth at the con as well. We ate breakfast with Dave from Moonstone and talked comics for little bit and that was cool. He asked about some friends we both knew and we three had a fine meal.
I've decided that conventions are for meeting people and making friends. That's why I went. I met one guy on Saturday that had me sign a bunch of books I worked on about 15 years ago! I worked on a lot of stuff for marvel in the early 90s and you never know what people will remember. I signed a lot of Web of Spider-Man and Shield Comics. I also drew a few sketches for people who bought my GN. I'm grateful that I sold out of books I bought on Sunday and I had a chance to walk around the convention.
There were great dealers with nice bargains. I bought a copy of Ms. Marvel #22 with a nice Dave Cockrum cover for 50 cents! I also spent time at the Moonstone booth with Tom and helped sell a few issues of KHAN #1. I hope that 15 years from now people will ask me to sign that book. This convention reminded me of the old days before Hollywood swooped down and carried away the comicbook demographic and glitzed up the San Diego Con. The show was calm, fun and felt like a high school reunion. Except that the most popular kid had on a Superman costume.
I've decided that conventions are for meeting people and making friends. That's why I went. I met one guy on Saturday that had me sign a bunch of books I worked on about 15 years ago! I worked on a lot of stuff for marvel in the early 90s and you never know what people will remember. I signed a lot of Web of Spider-Man and Shield Comics. I also drew a few sketches for people who bought my GN. I'm grateful that I sold out of books I bought on Sunday and I had a chance to walk around the convention.
There were great dealers with nice bargains. I bought a copy of Ms. Marvel #22 with a nice Dave Cockrum cover for 50 cents! I also spent time at the Moonstone booth with Tom and helped sell a few issues of KHAN #1. I hope that 15 years from now people will ask me to sign that book. This convention reminded me of the old days before Hollywood swooped down and carried away the comicbook demographic and glitzed up the San Diego Con. The show was calm, fun and felt like a high school reunion. Except that the most popular kid had on a Superman costume.
Friday, November 25, 2005
Mid Ohio
Hey gang! Just a quick note to everyone that the Mid -Ohio con is weekend and I will be attending! I'm looking forward to seeing a lot of excellent fans in heavy winter coats. I will of course be promoting my book, Gunpowder Girl and The Outlaw Squaw. Look for me in Columbus, Ohio!
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Masters of American Comics

My friend Steve and I attended the opening of The Masters of American Comics exhibit at the MOCA. The Museum of Contemporary Art is located in Downtown LA and Steve invited me. Excellent stuff! I was really interested in the Wally Wood art on display and the Harvey Kurtzman layouts. There were original color layouts that Kurtzman did for Little Annie Fanny and Mad Magazine. I took a close look at the Jack Kirby pages. There is always something to learn from Kirby! We thought that there would be a lot of notable comic book guys like Stan Lee or maybe Alex Toth, but I only recognized Matt Groening. The MOCA only shows half of the exhibit. I have to visit the HAMMER Museum to see the other artists like Chester Gould and Milt Caniff. If you are in LA, you have to see this exhibit! Try this game, take a look at the Kirby originals and try to guess how much money they could get at a convention!
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Sheryl Crow
I bought the new album from Sheryl Crow and I am quite disappointed. It's over produced with too many strings. I also thought that Crows' voice sounded weak and her lyrics were sappy. Maybe she's overboard in love and going in a different direction. I should have just bought a few singles from itunes.
Friday, November 11, 2005
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Jersey Boys Review!

As I get to the The August Wilson Theater I see the massive spotlight always present at a premiere. This must be the place! I get my tickets but I don't enter right away. I step outside and check out the crowd and who might pull up in a limo. Steve Van zant from The Sopranos TV show shows up, and I realize that all sorts of mob guys might show up. Later at the bar, I see the entire cast of the show except for James Gandolfini. I must mention that Jaime-Lynn Discalia looks amazing in person!
I was eager to see the show and what might have changed between the La Jolla production and Broadway. It looks like they cut a lot of dialogue and used only half the drawings I did for it. It was still a fast-paced, snappy show with excellent acting and music. The lead actor who played Frankie Valli carried the show. I did read a few reviews, USA Today mentioned the background drawings and I thought that was cool!
The end of the show was really touching. The surviving Four Seasons got up on stage to a standing ovation and Joe Pesci joined them! He was a friend of the group in the early days and the crowd loved it. Afterwards, I walked to the Opening night party and saw a few more celebrities. I made a point to look for the people I worked with like the director and Art director and The Producer to thank them for including me. I really enjoyed the night!
I've said this before, I thought that this was just another job. I was wrong.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
I'm walking to the show. I pass by Brooks Brothers on 44th St and stop in. I ask a sales person, "Am I wearing this bowtie correctly?" He says yes! Victory for me. I don't look like a fool!
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Broadway Bound
It's been a while since my last post but I have a good excuse! I have been preparing for my Broadway opening! I am now in NYC for the Opening of Jersey Boys at The Virginia Theatre. It's a first for me and I bought a tuxedo for it. I rarely have use for a suit like that, but like I said, It's a first. If you have read my previous posts, You remember the drama over getting a hotel room for the weekend. Well, I got a room at a nice place near Grand Central and It's fair to say that it's full of Brits in town for the NYC Marathon. In fact the town is crowded with runners from all over the world on a Saturday!
I will get some last minute stuff before the show and prepare. My next post will be my review!
I will get some last minute stuff before the show and prepare. My next post will be my review!
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Hey Kids! Let's draw!
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
What would you pay...Part 2!
Ok then. I have been losing sleep trying to figure out the best way for me to get to NYC next month. I will elaborate. I am planning a trip to The Big Apple on the same weekend as the New York Marathon! That means no hotel rooms for under 400 dollars a night. I do have friends in the area, but with what I'm planning to do in the city, It would be best to stay in Manhattan. My biggest problem was finding a hotel room, and I finally went to for a solution. I managed to get a place to stay after all the nonsense and worry. There is more to this story, but that will have to wait until next time.
Friday, October 21, 2005
What would you pay?
I am searching for a hotel room for a visit to NYC in November. I did not know until a few days ago that the NYC Marathon will happen on that same weekend. Now, when I lived in New York way back when, I loved watching the runners pass thru Greenpoint, Brooklyn into Queens. How cool! When I called to check the price of a hotel room, my happy memory turned black. $650.00 per night! Can you imagine the cost for a 3-day weekend? I could try calling a few friends but that would mean an outer borough commute. Whew! I don't know what I'll do.
Monday, October 17, 2005
Martha Washington
Frank Miller and Dave Gibbons put a book out called 'Give me Liberty' years ago thru Dark Horse Comics. I had a chance to re-read the four issues I bought way back when and it struck me to how much it influenced me. I never realized it until now. Miller created a female character that struggled with poverty and corrupt authority. He put her in situations that forced her to be resourceful and powerful. He never let romance or sentiment stop Martha Washington from her goal. Like I said, I never knew how much Frank Millers book influenced my own work. Thanks Frank.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Books I enjoy!
I wanted to visit the comic shop today to buy the new books. I could not find the time, darn it! What books do I enjoy? Sea of Red because of Rick Remenders' writing and the excellent Dwyer and Salgood art. Fables from DC, and recently Jack Cross from DC. I love a book that makes great artwork a priority. I'm always open to new books from any company, so when I visit the shop I take my time.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
My new Radio
Today I activated my new SIRIUS radio. I am happy because I can enjoy hours of Hair bands! Poison! LA GUNS! Ugly Kid Joe! They have fallen into a stereotype, but all those 80s bands were looking for the perfect pop song like bands today. Some songs are like classic standards now. Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi? Panama by Van Halen? Brilliant! One downside is that my antenna reception stinks. I will think up a solution in between songs.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Hey Kids! Let's draw!

I have been reading "The Essential Ghost Rider" from Marvel comics and really getting into it. I have a soft spot for really bad comics from the 70's and 80's. Books like Luke Cage, Daredevil (before Frank Miller) and of course, Ghost Rider! I read the good books as well, but I felt like if only they would let me draw the bad books, sales would skyrocket! Anyway, I'm posting a Ghost Rider drawing from first sketch to final inks. Till next time!
Friday, September 30, 2005
The Reviews are in!
I'm happy that I have gotten a few positive reviews in the last week! Today Randy Lander at The Fourth Rail reviewed all of the Active Images books and he had some great things to say! I hope that good reviews will add up to more sales. GunpowderGirl and The Outlaw Squaw! I don't promote by book as much as I should on this blog, so I'm going to tell all of you to visit the following sites:
Those are the 3 most recent reviews! I hope you will visit these sites and consider buying my book.
Those are the 3 most recent reviews! I hope you will visit these sites and consider buying my book.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Sketch time!

I spent my lunch hour at the comic shop near my workplace. I didn't have that much time to spare, so I gave the place the "which books are new" once over. Suddenly, something caught my eye! It was an issue of The tomb of Dracula from Marvel.
It was in a dollar box and the cover caught my eye. Issue 46 and Dracula was getting married! After reading the book, I got the impression that the writer had a long story arc planned and I had stumbled in the middle of it. The writer and Editor of the comic was Marv Wolfman. Anyway, I did a few Dracula sketches and I hope you enjoy them.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Fun with tracing paper

I am a big fan of reference. I have all kinds of files and clippings of all sorts of everything! I've learned that a draftsman can draw anything, so getting the right ref. brings me closer to my goal of being a draftsman. Keeping this in mind, whenever I see any art on the web or when I take a look at a comic, I look at it with a critical eye. I look at my own art with the same attitude and I wind up rethinking and redrawing my own pages.
So the other day, I visit a website and see a pencil page from an upcoming book. It's a Vampirella page and at first blush it looks okay. Then I really look at it. I see that the artist needs a little help and a little unwanted advice. He should work on his anatomy. Especially children's' proportions. Also, a little help with composition. Now...This guy already has the work so why would he care? But Like I have said, as an artist, I'm trying to reach a goal of being the very best. Using reference correctly is helping me. It can help him too.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
One of my Favorite covers!

I came across this cover recently and I was impressed by what my old mentor John Romita could do with a 10x7 canvas. I think that he was art director at Marvel at that time and did a lot of covers. Some he just inked, but this Fantastic Four Cover is all his! This is a great Cover! Look at the Panic in Sue Richards' face! The breaking glass as Reed gets thrown out the window! This is how a comic book would get itself noticed and I have made a few comments on why it's so cool.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
The traveling bug
I have been thinking about convention season next year. I know that there are a few left for this year, like in the southern states, but I am thinking ahead. My GN, Gunpowder Girl and The Outlaw Squaw has been published and I have been getting support from my Publisher, Active Images. Why not make the rounds? Philly in the Spring? WonderCon in SanFrancisco? I have to get a sellers license, but that shouldn't be too big of a deal. I need to think about this.
Monday, September 12, 2005
Time to sketch!
Saturday, September 10, 2005
weekend work!

This has been a busy, action packed week! I flew to NYC on Tuesday, had drinks with friends that night. Had a meeting with the Director and Art director of the show I'm working on (Jersey Boys...Coming soon to Broadway!) Then a short dinner at a cool BBQ joint on 45th st. Wednesday was my birthday and I spent half the day flying back to LA, but spent the night at an Italian Ristorante with friends! After a busy Thursday workday in Burbank, Friday night found me at another cool dinner with cool people. I hung out with a cool new friend, Nikki! She's Bright, bold and British! I share a birthday with my friend Rob and I was a guest at his West Hollywood dinner. This Saturday can only end with freelance work and maybe some backyard grilling! What's in store for Sunday? Football!
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Today is a good day
I am posting from New York again and it's early morning on Tuesday. It's the wedding anniversary of my friends Vince and Laurie. I went to their wedding about 7 years ago and I can't belive how much the world has changed. I should have taken more photos.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
In the mail!

During my trip to New York I made a few sketches and sent a few postcards. I also made a sketch on a post card and sent it to myself! I don't do that usually. I mean, I would draw on a postcard, but I would send it to a friend. Because I am blogging I tried sending it to myself. It took far to long to get here. I wonder why... Take a look.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
The Old-Fashioned Comic Shop
I had to do some lunchtime errands in Burbank today and I visited the nearest comic-shop! The new books came out today, so at 2:00 I find myself visiting "Astonishing comics". I've been there many times and I am astonished at how horrible the place looks. When you walk in, there's a short wall almost blocking the door! It's a small place to begin with and the walkways are jammed with books, old and new. Gladly, I'm always able to find what I'm looking for. The worst part is that half the store looks like a neglected basement. Boxes, loose papers and I think also garbage! I can't imagine any excuse for it. The thing is that back in the 80s, most Comic Shops looked like that. At that time it was a fringe market at best and basements were the only place anyone could afford. Maybe I think that the owner should have more pride in his shop but I don't know his situation. I think that a Comic Shop can be as cool as any Barnes and Noble and a little effort can only help sales. Whew!
I can't wait until I open my own shop...And people can complain about me.
I can't wait until I open my own shop...And people can complain about me.
Monday, August 29, 2005
This afternoon
After work I stopped by the neighborhood CostCo, Warehouse store. I wanted to pick up a few steaks and they've recently started carrying some tenderloin that I have to recommend. Sometimes I worry that I may be eating to much red meat, but when the mercury hits triple digits, I have to fire up the grill. Also, I stopped by the comic shop today and bought an issue of Previews. Marvel seems to be reprinting some books from the late 80s in an essentials TPB. When it gets to the early 90s, I might see some royalties!
Saturday, August 27, 2005
The weekend!
Here I am at another weekend and I am doing what I normally do. Working. I work constantly, but I try to mix up the routine by cleaning, shopping or BBQ in the backyard. I used to go out to a club or something, but I am saving money for the future. You may ask what I'm doing. Freelance on the side... Storyboard work...Laundry...Comicbook stuff.etc... It's just too exciting for words. I haven't even had time for WARCRAFT!
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Goodbye Broadway
After my dinner Michael C., we walked to the Theatre that will soon house "Jersey Boys". After finding nothing there we went our separate ways! I took my sketch book and notes back to the hotel and resumed my nostalgic walking tour. I took the 4 train to 14th street and walked down Broadway to St. Marks place. I had to revisit the shops and hangouts that I remembered. Not to re-live, Just remember. The next day, Sunday, more walking! Bleeker street, West 4th St. The East Village. A quick shower and my flight home. I think that It's been so long since I'd been back to NYC I wanted to go everywhere and take mental snapshots of everything. If I wind up returning for more work, I'll relax and have new memories. I hope that's soon, because my legs are sore from all that walking!
Monday, August 22, 2005
Weekend recap

I got into NYC and I was exhausted! The red-eye flight was brutal so I left for the hotel for a nap. I got there at 9:00 and woke up at 11:30. I had enough time before my meeting to walk around Times Square and so I headed for the nearest comic shop. Midtown Comics on 40th St. to look for an old friend who's a manager there. He was not there on the weekend but his store looked great and was busy. I searched for my western book and it was kinda hidden. After I left, the walking tour began. I compared the Broadway of the 80s with the flat screen, tourist parade of today. I walked from 40th St up to 57th then returned south on 6th ave to Rockefeller Center. It felt like meeting an old friend who you loved, But the friend has changed. Grown older, richer. Better clothes and a strange accent. Anyway....More story to come. Take a look at these sketches!
Saturday, August 20, 2005
I have been in NYC since Sat Morning and I've noticed that the homeless have returned and the parking meters have disappeared.
No sleep till Broadway
Earlier this month I was contacted by Michael C. He works for a theatre company that did some Graphic Design work for last year. It was a musical about Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons called "Jersey Boys" that played at the LaJolla Playhouse near San Deigo. I was freelance then and I would travel down there every other week or so. It was pretty cool sitting in on rehearsals and working with the director, Des. When the play opened last September, I went to the premiere and the party afterwards. Open bar, good food, I met some groovy people. I thought that the play would be a success, but I considered it just another gig.
I almost... I mean ALMOST forgot about it.
Until Michael C. E-mailed me! The message went something like this: Hi Don, "Jersey Boys" is heading to Broadway and we would like you to draw some additional art for us. Are you available?
I would have to work around my 9 to 5 job but could I go to NYC expenses paid? The answer is yes. More to come from New York...
I almost... I mean ALMOST forgot about it.
Until Michael C. E-mailed me! The message went something like this: Hi Don, "Jersey Boys" is heading to Broadway and we would like you to draw some additional art for us. Are you available?
I would have to work around my 9 to 5 job but could I go to NYC expenses paid? The answer is yes. More to come from New York...
Thursday, August 18, 2005
A Chance meeting
Yesterday I ran into an old friend in a Starbucks in Burbank. My friend Trish is a Writer and colorist and I've known her since I moved here in 1996. She looked good! I remember her different looks over the years and this current one works fine. I asked her what she was up to. Trish had finished her last day at Cartoon Network and was trying to get on another production. She's been working on comicbook outlines and cartoon proposals and being really creative. I include Trish in my list of independent women who inspire some of my own writing. I'm going to send her my book and I hope she likes it.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
I know that I have not been talking about my ongoing projects in this blog because I don't want to be Mr. EGO/I am so rad GUY. But I think that my Graphic Novel is really worth picking up. I've been getting good buzz and I'm working on a sequel! I tell you what! The first person that responds to this posting will get a free copy of Gunpowder Girl and The Outlaw Squaw!
Come on! That's a sweet deal.
Come on! That's a sweet deal.
Monday, August 15, 2005
Random Thought Dept.

I would really love to see the Mad magazine people put out a Treasury size edition of their best artists. Specifically Wally Wood! He was one of many top artists who took full advantage of the Black and White format. His stuff with Duo-Tone looks great and there is so much of it! I read that Mad is expanding, going after new readers. Why not open the vaults?
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Accident Update
The other participant has accepted responsibility for the Accident and we are proceeding with the repairs as I write! I hope I can get my car back soon because this rental is truly bogus. Big, Clumsy and a Gas Guzzler!
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Thursday Night

I have a cool new option for my Thursday nights! I usually work on my freelance work after my 9 to 5. But today I went to a weekly sketchbook get together in Burbank. I'm meeting new people and getting more of a life outside of the drawing board. Thanks to a groovy girl named Ratna who I met at the San Diego Con. I never knew it, but there seems to be some kind of underground sketch community! Maybe meeting in Libraries or at coffeeshops all over LA. Everyone there is really talented but for the most part younger than I am. Still in school or trying out for the animation studios. I'm just there to mellow out and sketch for a bit. Take a look at my sketch circle drawings!
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
What happened to KHAN?

So I call the head guy at MOONSTONE Books, Joe Gentile, to find out what happened to the first issue of Khan. I finished work on book one in Feb and finished penciling the second in June. Joe told me that there's a delay and the book won't hit the stands until later this month. It was not at the Chicago Convention or anywhere else over the weekend. I have to apologize to the bitter old comic book clerk! Y'know, I gotta be honest. I put a lot of work into drawing that book and to have this happen is disappointing.
Monday, August 08, 2005
One Moment
I was hit by another car while driving to work today. The car came from my left side from a Left side turning lane and really scarred my left side door front and back. It was a pain because of the repercussions. Now I have to do the whole insurance tango thing. Oh well, this is everyday life and at least I have my health.
Fun with Markers

I've been working on my portfolio and Resume over the weekend. There's been some really old artwork on my Madscience media website and I needed to update. So I've been searching for good pieces that represent my best work so far, and working on some new stuff. That brings me to Fun with Markers! I've been traveling with a pad and markers lately ready to sketch at a moments notice. I did some fast marker sketches on the theme of "girls in towels". Fun to do, but will it get me a job? Depends on who's looking!
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Looking for Khan in Los Angeles
i paid a visit to my friendly neighborhood comic shop today. I found out that KHAN has not shipped! It could be just a bitter old clerk being funny, because the Moonstone website says it should be on the stands now. I must investigate!
Khan arrives in Chicago!

Moonstone books will premiere the first issue of Khan at the Wizard World Chicago Convention. It's a book I drew with Tom DeFalco writing. I wanted to fly to Chicago to help promote it but it would have been like a rush right after San Diego. It's in glorious black and white! I don't know Photoshop well enough to add the type of grey tone I would want and asking a friend to do it would be obnoxious. Besides, half the book takes place at night and if the "Cinematography" works, the book works.
You have to buy the book to see what I mean. In the night scenes I tried to have only one light source, like an open flame or something. I think I did an OK job with the art but I have yet to see what Tom wrote! I worked from a Marvel Style plot. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on a copy.
Hey! Take a look at some art from the book KHAN!
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Recap of Events

Hey there. Since I am new to blogging and you may be new to me, I'll fill you in on my credentials! I started working in comicbooks as an intern in 1983. I started working for J. Romita Sr. in 1988. I got a job with Jim Shooter in 1990. Worked freelance for Marvel in the 90's, moved to Los Angeles in 1996 and did some animation. Did a book with Image Comics in 1999. And at the turn of the century, I started doing Advertising work in addition to the groundbreaking Anthology, Comiculture Magazine.
Along the way I picked up some knowledge, some advice and just enough skill to pay the bills. You can see my latest Graphic novel below this post and I'm adding another image. I hope you'll be interested enough to buy the book! Alright! More to come.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Sample Posting!

Hello! This post is a test by the webmaster (not Don)! But since you're reading it, you might as well check out the cover to Don's GUNPOWDER GIRL AND THE OUTLAW SQUAW! Now on sale at ACTIVE IMAGES
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