Thursday, December 24, 2009
My Holiday Visit to the Viper Room!
It seems like the best time to see new music is right before the Xmas holiday! My GF and I stopped by the Viper Room in West Hollywood to see an up and coming band called 'Exposed to Sunlight'.They were the first band to play and we heard 6 songs in total. Most of the songs were written by a friend and they had a good beat! I say thumbs up!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Happy Kwanzaa

This is an old holiday greeting card from my friend Rob. I was still on the East Coast and I believe that this was his first year in CA. Don't you love the enormous purple car?
Rob picked me up from the airport on my first visit and it started to rain a bit. No roof? No problem! He directed me to some handy blankets on the rear seat and we got to where we were going. Cheers to Rob and to all a Happy Kwanzaa!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Good Morning!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Back to Drawing
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Christmas Giving!
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Mix CDs

I did not know that professional DJs ordered tracks and beats thru music services! A DJ that lives in my building threw out a bunch of old CDs. They were stacked up on the curb, so I snatched them up! Some really cool dance beats and high energy remixes. The labels made it clear that these tracks were for professionals only, so I feel like I'm getting away with something.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Storytelling Shorthand
In Advertising, when you are trying to sell something to a specific group, the Art Director will use a visual cue or image to get the idea across quickly. If you want to show that your product is powerful or heroic, have someone ripping their shirt off and have a logo or a message on your chest. Alex Ross did a Obama painting that got a lot of attention with that idea. These are some more examples.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Who rules Bartertown?
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
I like 2012!

I was attracted to the 2012 promotional images from the start. Worldwide floods and LA falling into the sea? I am SO there! My GF did not want to see the film, but Steve agreed to catch an early morning show with me. We arrived at the Century City AMC Theatre in time to watch the enormous 2012 poster come down from the wall opposite of the movie house. Even though I could not fit a 30ftx120ft poster in my living room, I asked if I could take a portion of it home. No such luck.
The movie was a great disaster film! All the destruction I could ever hope for! That brings me to this smaller, but still awesome poster in my living room. I went to my GFs home town for Thanksgiving. We went to the movies to catch 'The Blind Side' and I saw the indoor cardboard standee poster for 2012 in the hallway. As I am wont to do, I asked a passing manager if I could have the poster when the movie house is finished with it. He said that he would find out and if I surrendered my contact info, he would call me back. OK.
A few hours later,as we are preparing to eat, I get a call! I can take it tonight! My gal and I return to the movie house and spend 20 minutes breaking down the standee. We got some much needed help from some AMC employees. I never appreciated the construction of those things until now, and a special thanks to my understanding girlfriend!
I feel lucky to have a seven foot tall image of the end of the world in my apartment. If you saw the mess that is my living room, you would call it a disaster.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Little Black Dress Premiere!
A few months ago, I worked with a director on a short film called 'Little Black Dress'. Her name was Deborah Correa and I did storyboards for a few scenes. She is a young director and it was great talking about the storytelling process! The premiere was held at the American Film Institute in Hollywood last night and I couldn't wait to see the finished film! It looked great and she followed maybe 50 percent of my boards. I had a question for Deborah before the movie started, so I took this video.The AFI Directing Workshop for Women is a program that encourages female directors! To find out more, go to HERE!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Things going on.
Monday, November 02, 2009
My crazy Neighbor
There is always something dramatic going on in an apartment building. Today however was a first for me. I hear a loud smash out side my door and when I step outside, I see a man rush past me! That man was my next door neighbor and he left his crying girlfriend at his apartment. The girl was really upset but kept saying that it was not his fault and that he was sick! I assumed that it was a domestic squabble and wondered what I would do if I saw the guy again.
It so happens that I heard another commotion outside my window a few hours later and I went to take a peek.
I guess the guy really did have problems. I have never seen anyone taken away to the nut house before, so this was something else.
It so happens that I heard another commotion outside my window a few hours later and I went to take a peek.
I guess the guy really did have problems. I have never seen anyone taken away to the nut house before, so this was something else.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Halloween Past!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Last Days Of American Crime
A few months back, I posted some pencil samples from a forthcoming crime comic book. I got the script from a friend but I did not say the name of the book. Now the book has a 10 page preview out on the stands and I can compare my art to the final product.
The book is called the Last days of American Crime published by Radical Comics and it was written by Rick Remender. I know Rick from way back and I was excited to read his script. I am assuming that the Radical Comics artist followed the same script, so I was interested to see his interpretation.
The artist is Greg Tocchini and it looks like he did all of his art on computer. Our establishing shots are a little different but I think we both included all the storytelling the writer asked for. I have put my version next to his for comparison and critique. What do you think?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Marvel Mania Restaurant!

More than 10 years ago, my friends and I went to a new restaurant fashioned after Marvel Comics characters. We were all former Marvel Comics Staffers and we wondered what this new place would look like. If Planet Hollywood could mine movie history, then this place could succeed! Right? Well, it didn't.
The eatery was at Universal City and I was able to bring my camera. Rob Tokar, Steve Buccellato, Marc Siry and myself shared studio space in Marina Del Rey and we all drove up together. We hung out with Dana Moreshead who was associated with the place somehow. I don't remember the details, but the event was kinda okay. Nice decor but the menu was too kitchy. Not for me. At least the photos survive!

Monday, October 19, 2009
Astro Boy Premere!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Tinkerbell has changed
The cute Disney character Tinkerbell has been made over. In the latest computer animated movie featuring Tinkerbell, she is wearing a warm weather outfit complete with hat and boots with pom poms. My problem with the new 'Tink' is that they've taken away so many things that made her so cute.
Tinkerbell was the only 'girl' in a tribe of rowdy boys and a direct contrast to Peter Pan. A cute, curvaceous fairy with ballet slippers and a jealous attitude! I am sure that her solo adventures will be popular, I am just disappointed that she had to look more like Peter Pan in order to have them.

Tinkerbell was the only 'girl' in a tribe of rowdy boys and a direct contrast to Peter Pan. A cute, curvaceous fairy with ballet slippers and a jealous attitude! I am sure that her solo adventures will be popular, I am just disappointed that she had to look more like Peter Pan in order to have them.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Monday, October 05, 2009
Home Improvement!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Rock a little, Feed a Lot!
The visit from Vince and Laurie ended with a bang! They had tickets for the Feeding America Concert at the LA Club Nokia. Last night was a star studded affair and we had top shelf, VIP tickets! Shawna and I started with dinner at Trader Vics with Vince and Laurie, then walked towards the red carpet. They would not let me walk it, but I did get some excellent video.
There were a lot of stars at this event! I did not recognize the blond Katherine McFeea and all noticed how thin and tiny the celebrities were. If they are going to fight hunger, they should start with themselves! After we tired of the celebrity watching on the street, we went to the celebrity watching in the VIP room. A colorful room with free drinks and food. I took some photos but it's not cool to have a flashing camera in the VIP room!
The show itself was excellent! Ben Harper, Sheryl Crow and Good Charlotte played. A lot of celebities spoke, including Alanis Morrisette and David Arquette. The entire night was meant to bring attention to ending hunger in America. It's a real problem and there are many local food banks that need our help. I am glad that I had a chance to rub elbows with a lot of exciting people and happy to share the word about Feeding America.

Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Friends in town
Friday, September 25, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Batman does his Banking!

As I dug through my files looking for my stock certificates, I found this old newspaper AD. I clipped it and saved it in 1986! I had not started work at Marvel, but I was of course into comics.
I liked the artwork by JL Garcia-Lopez and the idea that Batman and Robin could be shocked at such an amazing 6.77 percent rate! I know that comic characters sell everything from toothpaste to corn flakes, but I don't think that DC would allow Batman to push a savings account.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
My Marvel Stock

John Romita did this drawing for the MARVEL COMICS quarterly report for 1991. He did a lot of this type of work back then. Drawing a likeness for an executives birthday card or drawing Spidey for a slurpee cup or something. The initial offering for Marvel stock did not get get much respect on Wall Street, but there were those who knew better. I bought 20 shares of stock in 1991 and it split maybe 3 times. That was very cool! When Disney bought the House of Ideas earlier this month, I knew that now was a good time to sell. Here's a toast to the marriage of Marvel and Disney!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Not so Friendly Ghost?

So I found out about a new series of Comic books featuring Casper, The friendly Ghost. It's new series that will include, Wendy the Witch and Hot Stuff! I remember these characters as fun and approachable. I get the impression that this new series will not be so much fun. Hot Stuff now has baggy pants and a wallet chain. Wendy looks like she could be in a 'Twilight' movie and sadly, Casper may not be as friendly as in past years.
I hope that the new authors interpretation does not include Casper spouting curse words, or Hot Stuff aiming a gun.
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Storytelling Shorthand
Just like in comics, Film has a way of describing a character at a glance. Is he evil? Give him an eye patch. Use some kind of stereotype and you get the idea. I am posting a new kind of shorthand that I have noticed.
If you want the audience to know that the character is 'Really smart, but really kinda troubled...", put the character on campus under a hundred year old elm/oak tree. It worked with 'A beautiful mind' and it is used in the next Jessica Alba flick.

If you want the audience to know that the character is 'Really smart, but really kinda troubled...", put the character on campus under a hundred year old elm/oak tree. It worked with 'A beautiful mind' and it is used in the next Jessica Alba flick.
Monday, August 31, 2009
New Boss for Marvel
Everyone knows that Marvel Comics has been bought out by Disney. The real question is: Should I sell my Marvel Stock or wait until the Next Iron Man film?
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Kevin Nowlan art
I used to ink for Marvel a million years ago, and I hung around the office a lot. One of my favorite places to visit was the ARt Return office. The guy in charge was a pal and I had a chance to see a lot of art. Published and unpublished art. This particular page was always a mystery. I know that it was drawn by Kevin Nowlan, but what for? A sample? An un-finished story? I think it was drawn in the mid-80s. In any event, If someone has any info, please share!

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Walking Back the Cat
A couple of months ago, I worked on a rush job for a producer. He was creating a new type of business model that incorporated comics and limited animation. I drew all the art separately, backgrounds apart from the figures and it was a challenge. It was like drawing the art twice! This is the final video presented in 3D. I think the comic will come out next year. Click Here!
Thanks to Blair Smith for the link!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Great Poster Art
This is a really great poster. I like it because of how it makes me feel. I know it's the product of a Hollywood promotional machine, but it really works. Here's why.
The movie is about a woman whose husband is a Time Traveler. Is it a fantasy or is it straight Sci-fi? The husband is draped over the woman who stares right at us. Is the husband a phantom?
The wife is obviously laying down, but the poster shows the two of them at a vertical angle. It catches your attention and the beautiful purple/amber sparkles makes you feel like you are in a dream. I love a well designed AD and this one is a good one. I hope the movie does not disappoint.

The movie is about a woman whose husband is a Time Traveler. Is it a fantasy or is it straight Sci-fi? The husband is draped over the woman who stares right at us. Is the husband a phantom?
The wife is obviously laying down, but the poster shows the two of them at a vertical angle. It catches your attention and the beautiful purple/amber sparkles makes you feel like you are in a dream. I love a well designed AD and this one is a good one. I hope the movie does not disappoint.
Friday, August 07, 2009
Don Hudson on YouTube
Yes, I know that you have seen my own videos on youTube, but this is a better produced video.
TokyoPop presents a video of the panel I did with David Gerrold and Richard Hatch earlier this year!
TokyoPop presents a video of the panel I did with David Gerrold and Richard Hatch earlier this year!
Next Door
I just found out that the vacant lot/ nature preserve next door will be turned into condos. Someone who worked for a construction company walked thru the lot and told me that the work could start next year. That is, if the funding comes holds up. Check out an old post about the empty lot HERE!
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Black and White Movie!
Shawna has a trailer on Youtube! I am re-posting a video I made on set. Click here!If you explore the site, you will see the trailer and see my storyboard credits! So much cool stuff to see!
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
More Art!
I drew this sketch for the In Progress... Blog, but I made a mistake. I thought it was evening but it was supposed to have been morning.

Sunday, August 02, 2009
Movie Night!
A couple of weeks ago, I went to The Hollywood Forever Cemetery for the movie night they offer in the summer. It was my first time there with friends and the movie was 'Night of the Iguana' with Richard Burton.
I should confess that I expected someone else to appear.
Saturday, August 01, 2009
In Progress...
Have you been following the sensational blog written by Shawna? I have been providing spot art for her writing and I am showing an example. Go check it out HERE!

Friday, July 31, 2009
Old Animation Sketch
Friday, July 24, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Comic-Con on Thursday

My GF and I went to San Diego for the world famous convention on Thursday! We drove down this morning around 5:00 and we just got back. We only wanted to do a day trip and there were some panels we wanted to watch. The first was the 'Female power Icons'. The Women of Science Fiction, that included Sigourney Weaver, Zoe Saldana and Eliza Dushku. Great panel! I became a big fan of Saldana after hearing her speak.

After we left, we walked to a networking party in the Gaslamp Quarter and met with Steve and Brian Buccellato. The first 400 beers were free!
There was a lot of walking, some eating and a few hours spent waiting in a few lines. I was very happy to have spent the day with my girlfriend, and I would not have changed a thing.
Monday, July 20, 2009
L. Fishburne
Sunday, July 19, 2009
John Adams
My friend Steve lent me the HBO series 'John Adams' on DVD and as a history buff, I am enjoying them greatly!
A toast to the Bucce!
A toast to the Bucce!
Innfusion Comics
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Color Paper part 2
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