Congrats to me! I am working on a Star Trek Story for TOKYOPOP. I won't tell you the story, but it does involve a beautiful space princess! No shock there! I'm looking forward to drawing the story, so I am getting some character designs together.
I have to create the Princess. I'm not a fashion designer, so I think it's a cross between a Prom Queen and a Paegent Contestant. I don't want to put some crown on her, but a headdress would be appropriate. Oh, I don't know. Opinions are welcome!
Nice! Here's a suggestion- since it's
a) Star Trek, occurring in the future
b) a comic book, so you don't have to pay for special effects,
...I think you have the opportunity to create something really cool and spacey, that is clearly both impractical and impossible with today's technology.
For instance, a shimmering cloak of sparkles that 'orbits' strategically around the sensitive bits- or a J Lo style set of ribbons that defy gravity, sprouting upwards from the waist and tapering off past the shoulders (like the old 'Mantis' costume from the 70's), and maybe a floaty tiara that doesn't quite touch her head and (coincidentally?) resembles a halo...
OK, back to syndicating digital video for me. Thanks for the momentary diversion!
Hey, that could look cool and hot at the same time with kind of a bedouin sensibility-sort of cloths of many colors in earthy tones.
Okay, I just liked Marcs idea a lot, and wanted to feel like I was contributing. You guys rock!
I'm thinking latex... on the forehead. That's a pretty classic Star Trek fashion accessory...
I mean, what Mark Siry said. Yeah...
You fortunate so and so...
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