Monday, March 31, 2008

Stan Drake Photo

Stan Drake was a great artist and I did backgrounds for him way back when. I am familiar with his work, but I never knew what he looked like until I caught this snapshot. He is the guy in the sport jacket.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Spring Cleaning

This morning, I went to the parking lot sale at Hi Di Ho comics! I bought 25 comics for $5.00, 2 magazines for 50 cents and 2 hardcover books for $3.00 each. Nice stuff too! I showed up at 11:00 and there were people already going through the long boxes. Maybe 30 people. I wonder if as many people will show up when I sell my books?

Friday, March 28, 2008

Team Photo!

I brought my Camera to our second game as a team! We are called the 'BATS' ( I can't remember why) and the uniforms are cool. Even with the snazzy outfits, we lost the second game by two points. Back to the drawing board.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

More Star Trek Stuff

I am finishing up the latest Star Trek job!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

It's Early

I woke up a little too early today. They say the early bird gets the worm, but I don't think the worm cares.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Let's have some laughs

Before I became an old fuddy-duddy, I used to go out drinking with pals. These two shots are from a Halloween get together in NYC. I am sure it was at a bar near MARVEL in the East 20s. I remember the night and I miss the MC Jacket. The guy in yellow is my friend Vince and the head in the lower photo belongs to Kevin Tang.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Fun with a brush!

I don't take time to sketch as much as I used to. When I travel and I'm waiting for a plane or if I'm hanging in the hotel room, I'll draw some thing and maybe send it as a postcard. I love getting postcards! Anyhoo, when I am inking I use a piece of bristol paper on the side to prepare my brush. I some times do a sketch or two there.

The Athelete

I played Basketball with Brian and the others last night. I don't really feel so excited over it now. I thought I would write about it at length but i am not so wild about it. Maybe once I get more playing time. Till then, read an earlier post about it.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

More Cat Stuff

This is a funny photo of a little boy and a big cat. It's from the book 'Dancing with Cats'.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Ego Surfing

I typed my name into the Yahoo search engine today and this credit list came up. It's a partial list but at least I'm there.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Magical Castle

I visited the Magic Castle with a group of friends last night! It's a mansion in Hollywood that I have passed by many times but never considered going into. I admit that it was such a blast, I will recommend it to everyone! So much fun! The original building was built around 1908 and it looks like they kept the original furniture. We did a lot of walking to the various rooms where you could see shows in progress and all the performers were highly skilled.

The high point was watching Brian Gillis work his magic in the close-up gallery. He did some excellent card tricks in a very intimate setting and I really tried to watch his hands. Amazing. Everyone there was really amazing. I always thought that the best magicians went to las Vegas because that's where the money is. I was wrong, the best guys work at the Magic Castle.I could not bring a camera into the building. I guess they are worried about the tricks getting out. I would have loved some card trick video.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Cat Stuff

I am always on the lookout for Cat reference. I guess when you draw a book about cats, you keep your eyes open for things you can use. I found this shot in a magazine. What is going on?


This is a recent storyboard I did for a client I can't name. Someone else did the color. It's good but I really need to start coloring my own stuff.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Little Grey Cat

I am posting a page from my upcoming Cat book with Grey tones added! It's exciting to see. I wonder where the Editor will put the dialogue, but so far so good.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Acclaim Comics

I inked XO Manowar for Acclaim Comics in 1998 and 1999. I really loved working over Scot Eatons' pencils! His stuff was really strong and he was a good guy. I am showing the cover to XO issue 17, Volume 2. The cover published was not the original one. I inked both and I prefer the first.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Heart Work

This is an old job. I had to sketch and then paint an Iceberg in the shape of a heart. I was an AD for a heart medication and the Art Director wanted a watercolor look for it. The job was maybe 7 years ago and I don't know it turned out.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Cat Cover Results!

To those who voted, thanks for caring! The cover chosen was.... Number 3! There were some changes and even though I drew the cover with the corrections added, I may yet have to change a few things.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Have a Cocktail!

I know that when a beverage company comes out with a new product, they would create a new cocktail to feature it. I remember having cheap drinks at many a promotion sponsored by a liquor company.

So when I came across this old AD for Smirnoff Vodka, I was surprised. The Vampire Gimlet! Were they trying to sell drinks to goths? How do you promote such a creepy drink at the bars? Did it go over big around Halloween? I have never heard of this drink and I am fascinated.