Monday, November 26, 2007

Frazetta Rough Work

I bought a Frank Frazetta sketch book the other day and it's very good! I know that he has a few out there, but most have been reprinted many times and there's nothing new. This book shows his first sketches right from his sketchbooks! Pen and ink studies and quick watercolor sketches. Nice stuff!


chummy's mum said...

We visited the fabulous Frazetta museum/gallery in PA years ago, which was awesome! It was run by his wife, who was a former model of his. She still looked *amazing*. If you ever find yourself around that way, it's definitely worth a peek. :)

Don Hudson said...

I know about the Museum! Is it in the Penn Dutch country?

chummy's mum said...

Yes, it was in East Stroudsburg (sp?) near the Pocono Mtns. The museum has been thru a couple of different incarnations since we've visited many moons ago.
Here's the website; the new space looks wonderful & greatly expanded!

Steve Buccellato said...

DH-- I just received my copy of this book. Pretty cool. Thanks for the recommendation