This is the new cover format for The Fantastic Four. This issue is the third with this format and I hoped that it wouud grow on me. It has not. I think the guys at Marvel are going for a magazine format, but the result looks boring. I bought the book because of Bryan Hitch, the penciler, but I have to say something about this ugly cover. Take a good look at the cover posted and follow my points.
A- The Fantastic Four logo looks like Fantastic 'A'. And it's been white on a dark BG for three issues now. One of the reasons for having a readable, open logo with different colors each month, is that it lets the buyer know that this is a different book from last month.
B- These days, you rarely see a word balloon on the cover. I think that a sensational piece of dialogue on the cover can get people excited about the interior, but it looks like nobody remembered how to do it over there. "Cap, please! Don't kill us!" are you kidding? I would imagine The Thing saying something a bit more heroic. To be honest, I really hate that dumb balloon. Check out a cover balloon from the 70s. The Golden Age of cover copy.

C-The Thing with chicklet teeth. Ugh. The teeth make him look like a muppet. I perfer the classic look.

D- Exciting copy can add a lot to a cover. This boring type is just information.
E- Finally, this book is rated Tplus. I guess a kid under 13 should not read The Fantastic 'A'. That is too bad.
I bought the last 3 issues of this book so I am as guilty as they are.