Friday, August 05, 2011

Gonna share some recent work!

This is a double page spread from Marvel Superheroes magazine. Published by Disney Worldwide Publishing! I think the idea was to show different Marvel characters in their natural setting and give some info about them. The mag can be found overseas only and it's translated into many different languages. The color and the effects were done by Steve Buccellato!

How do you say Sanctum Sanctorium in German?


~P~ said...

Followed the link from your comment on my blog.

Very nice work.
I can see quite a few hidden "gems" in there:

- The idol of the winged elephant with the base of many-faces from Michael Golden's famous Dr. Strange portfolio.

- The Serpent Crown (on the floor in the foreground)

- The Wand of Watoomb (atop the bookcase)

- Margneto's helmet? (uh... not sure why... is this a "item seek/find" type of puzzle?)

But now I MUST ask... WHAT ISSUE is this for?
I need to know if I can hunt one down somewhere, so the magazine title and issue number would be key.

Thanks and congrats on the gig.

Sanctum Sanctorum Comix blog

Don Hudson said...

It was issue #2. You can get it in England and I've never seen it with copy. Also, I drew the elements separately, so the 'gems' could be repositioned.

And I really dig your blog!