Friday, December 07, 2007

Cat Sketch Fever

I am working on the Cat book for Tokyopop and I am at an interesting point in the story. The story involves Feral cats and life in the wild. A Feral cat stops and kills a wild hare as described in the script. I drew the layout and it was approved, but at a certain point, the powers that be wanted a change.

The dead rabbit looks too creepy. I understand that the pre-teen market may not be into dead rabbits, but why write it into the script? They wanted me to change the angle to obscure the hare, messing up the storytelling. My compromise was to turn the rabbit around, and closing his eyes. It's not dead, just sleeping! No trauma, just a sleepy, knocked out bunny.


Steve Buccellato said...

The Dead Rabbits were real bad-asses.

Daniel Best said...

This might sound odd, but I love the cats!! They look great.

And the only good rabbit is a dead rabbit.

chummy's mum said...

That's what my husband tells me when we see roadkill, "It's not dead Babe, just sleeping!" Maybe the your target audience will be just as gullible as I am. :)

Allen Gladfelter said...

If you're not careful, those rabbits might leap up and tear your throats out!

Don Hudson said...

Nice Monty Python ref Allen!

Allen Gladfelter said...