I painted this watercolor of a dog! It was a housewarming gift for a young couple and I presented it in a black frame. I hope they keep it out of the sunlight.
I attended the weekly Drink and Draw Social Club downtown last night! I met Steve at Casey's bar and we did some sketches. There were maybe 25 people with sketchbooks sitting at a long table. I noticed some beautiful drawings but nothing too elaborate for me, it was all about being social.
I have an idea about doing some crime stories based in Chinatown. It seems like every city has a Chinatown with narrow streets and colorful nights. I did this drawing and added some quick color.
I am posting a drawing penciled by Rod Ramos around 1989 and inked by me that same year! We were both on staff in the Marvel Bullpen trying to get to the next level. Rod did a lot of pencilling while I focused on inking. Psi-Force was one of the new Universe books and there were opportunities to get some work. This was never a cover or even published, but you have to get your stuff out there. My inks are kinda soft on this piece, I was using a brush and not in command of it at that time.
The amateur car bomb attempt in New York City shocked me, as it did many others. The authorities started the investigation and went to the video tape. I knew that there were dozens of security cameras in Times Square, but I could not have known how clear the images were! They weren't fuzzy convenient store quality either! I was really impressed. UPDATE! The NYTimes has a new article on this!Click Here!